• The Rodeo from Pandere Shoes Review

    Pandere Shoes was created by a #lymphedemawarrior who knows first hand the struggles of finding shoes that fit and have support. I've been following the Pandere IG almost from the moment I started my own IG. I think they are doing great things and I was very excited to try a pair of their shoes. 

  • Lymph Care Tools

    've been asked a lot lately what are some of the tools I use to manage my Lipolymphedema. So I thought I'd share how I keep my lymph care tools right next to my bed for easy access. I know I need to use them daily but I also know me, if its a struggle I won't stick with it.

  • Dear Instagram “Doctors”

    While I know you think your comments telling me to lose weight is helping me, it’s not. I’m 37 years old so to assume that I’ve gotten this far in life as a fat chick and the thought of losing weight never accured to me is the dumbest thing ever.  I am well aware that if I lost weight, I would ultimately feel better. And yes, SOME of my Lymphatic issues would ease up. But by no means would it magically fix my life. Diet and exercise will not reduce my Lipedema (aka damaged fat cells). You might be reading this going “bitch how do you know if you don’t try?” I know because I’ve been on diet after diet since I was probably 10. My dad made me go on every diet he ever did. I’ve done shakes. I’ve done pills. I’ve done fasting. I’ve done low carbs. I’ve done Herbalife. I was a 100lbs heavier when I had my son almost 11 years ago. I went gluten free for Celiac Disease 8 years ago and in 3 months I dropped 80lbs cause my body was properly handling food. I lost the weight in my face and torso. My…

  • Glam Ursula [Photo Shoot]

    A year ago today, I stepped foot into Rachel’s new studio for my first photo shoot. I had no idea what I was doing. Still, don’t actually, I have a very bad habit of bitch face. I have known Rachel since high school. She had done my promo shots for my gluten-free baking as well as family photos with my son. I knew Stacy at Viva La Diva Salon would be turning my hair into this stunning purple that was inspired by my Ursula tattoo. So we planned a Glam Ursula photo shoot. I had the perfect little black dress with the neckline to mimic Ursula’s curves. I had scored the dress for $3 at Lane Bryant! It had these little gold polka dots on it that caught the light. I chose to accessory w/ some gold jewelry and a Kata Banko Couture mermaid crown. A few shots I wore my Lane Bryant black #fatkini. This shoot was a huge step for me. Last year I barely wore dresses or showed my legs. My compression stockings at the time were beyond shot so I didn’t like to show them. My legs themselves look like they are so swollen they could…

  • The Size Experts – Tights Haul

    I've never been a fan of pantyhose or tights. Growing up I just remember being forced to wear them due to school dress code and the digging in + thigh rub would leave me in such pain. So when I first found out that the "cure" or management of Lymphedema was compression stockings, I wanted to cry. I was so afraid I was going to basically be sentenced to a life of constantly raw thighs. Luckily so far, my PT feels knee high compression stockings are the best course of action for my Lymphedema. However, the Lipedema makes finding regular pantyhose a nightmare... Well, the Lipedema + my short height makes it a nightmare. With hips almost as wide as I am tall, getting pantyhose that are not so painfully tight and don't have almost half a leg in extra length is a miracle. Thigh highs have never had enough "thigh" in them to fit and knee highs dig in so tightly at the back of the knee that I feel like I'm going to lose feeling in my legs. I basically gave up on hosiery and switched to leggings under dresses. But as I embrace the girlier dresses, I'm…